My idea for the setting (well an idea I think someone else came up with, but I stole) is a very clean, simple kitchen. It would be spotless and look almost clinical. Here a few a pictures stolen from google that I like.
I think having a style like this will make the fruit juices everywhere more satisfying.
Ok, now onto plot! My idea for the plot is that of gang wars. Each gang having the name, and containing the fruit and/or veg of a particular smoothie. The names being amusing or 'punny'. For example 'Banana Blitz' being a gang of hard-hitting Banana's,'Berry Blast' being a group a many different berries, or Strawberry Passion being full of seductive, sordid strawberries.
... I'm sure the group will come up with funnier names.
Anywho, the plot follows the main character... who as he doesn't have a name, shall be known henceforth as Logan. Logan the Raspberry.
Logan arrives with a batch of other raspberries in 'The Kitchen'. On his arrival they are attacked by the blackberries. He manages to get away, but the rest of his kin are slaughtered.
He ends up finding out that they where slaughtered as raspberry is the final ingredient needed by 'The Blender'. They wanted to stop that at any cost.
'The Blender' is master of the kitchen, who has many of the gangs of fruit under his control. He sends these gangs after Logan.
'Blackberry Blasters', (name pending) are a resistance group who are fighting against 'The Blender'.
Logan spends the game fighting off the gangs sent after him by the blender, as well as chasing after 'Blackberry Blasters' to avenge his kin.
A plot twist at some point is that he is half Blackberry himself. He is a Loganberry.
Well those are my ideas, will be cool to what ideas the others have had, and how our ideas merge.
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